Why choose AIUKs Accreditation for your Certification Body?
If you are a Certification manager or own a Certification Body and would like to raise its competence, awareness and profile in today’s very competitive Market choose AIUKs for an effective and responsive way to add value with measurable returns to your Certification business. Simply fill out the application forms and return them to our applications team who are waiting to serve you and get the ball rolling. You may already be accredited to one of the many other Accreditation Bodies like ASCB, UKAS, AIB, AAB or AIC.
You will be pleased to know that AIUK Accreditation will not conflict with any of these existing Accreditation’s. In fact if your certification body is already accredited by ASCB or UKAS your application will be less involved than if not. It is very important for you to know that multi Accreditation is not against ISO17021:2015 regulations in any way (despite what you may have been led to believe by your certification body). As long as Dual or Multi Accreditation is declared openly on literature and Marketing it will only serve to enhance your organization’s profile.
AIUK look to make life as simple as possible for you and your certification body and ensure your organization is working to the ISO17021:2015 as it is written, with interpretations being made fairly, reasonably and in favor of the scope of each certification body. AIUKs make the whole process as uncomplicated and straight forward as we can and ensure the required standards are interpreted and met in a practical and realistic manner.